Mural Wallpaper: Mood Changer


While I have always adored wallpaper for the way it alters the scope of any room, I am currently quite taken with the drama that is mural wallpaper. The only standard needed in using this fun, decorative medium is discipline. It is imperative to not overdo.

A corner, one wall, or a ceiling is more than sufficient to transport you to another country, make you feel like you’re trekking in a rainforest, or have volunteered to fall down Alice’s proverbial rabbit hole with oversized gardens abounding. You can always play it safe with lovely Chinoiserie, but aren’t you more than that?

If architecture gives you the tingles, then do consider the most extreme ranges offered for maximum POW! It could provide you with that icebreaker moment you’ve been craving when entertaining in your home. Use a Brutalist architecture paper like the one pictured and listen to the changing dialogue that will ensue. Mural wallpaper lets you dream big, literally, whether you live in a small apartment or a château.

Begin thinking about what sizeable feature you long to have in your abode to add interest, warmth, depth, or surprise with a search on Pinterest. Check mine out here to collaborate. Remember that decorating is a means of personal expression, so why hold back on the whimsy?


Layering on the Green


The Good Life